
What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is transferred to your computer when you visit a website. It helps the website to implement the better user experience and to monitor statistics of visits. Cookies can be stored for various periods of time, only for the duration of your browsing session or longer.

What types of cookies are placed on the website?

On our website, the following types of cookies can be used:

Our own cookies, which may be temporary and they last only during the user's browsing session, and are required for the proper functioning of certain applications and functions on the website. Permanent cookies are used to store the information and use them when the user visits this site next time, and to monitor the visits.

Other cookies come from other partners’ sites. For monitoring visits and statistics on its websites, Medis, d.o.o., uses Google Analytics software.

To display our own video ads or other video contents on the website, we use the YouTube webservice (Google Inc.). A cookie by the You Tube Service will be loaded on the user's device only after the user initiates the video.

1. Cookies from our own websites

 Cookie NamePurposeDurationCompany
fe_typo_userEnsures proper operation of the websiteDuring your browsing sessionMedis, d.o.o.
PHPSESSIDEnsures proper operation of the websiteDuring your browsing sessionMedis, d.o.o.

2. Other websites/services cookies

 Cookie NamePurpose CookieDurationCompany
_gaWebsite statistics (page views)2 yearsGoogle Inc.
_gatWebsite statistics (page views)10 minutesGoogle Inc.
_utmaWebsite statistics (page views)2 yearsGoogle Inc.
_utmbWebsite statistics (page views)30 minutesGoogle Inc.
_utmcWebsite statistics (page views)During your browsing sessionGoogle Inc.
_utmzWebsite statistics (page views)6 monthsGoogle Inc.

Website Cookie Manager

Medis d.o.o.
Brnčičeva 1
SI-1000 Ljubljana